photo of Jo-Anne Tan

Hello! I'm Jo-Anne, a full-stack software engineer currently residing in Malaysia.

In 2016, I graduated from Monash University with a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering. For the first few years, I worked in the industrial automation industry as a sales engineer. While my role was rewarding in its own way, I couldn't help feeling like something was missing.

In 2020, the pandemic got me rethinking about the path I was on.

Do I want to continue down the same path as a sales engineer, or pursue something I find more fulfilment in? After much consideration, I decided on the latter, took a leap of faith and started a 3-month bootcamp on full stack web development.

Shortly after, I landed my first web development job at a local e-commerce startup, Sharkbate. Here, I helped build the merchant dashboard which utilises Next.js and the mobile app on Flutter. I even had the opportunity to build an in-app gamified shopping experience with Bonfire. That was a lot of fun and learning.

Today, I'm happily and proudly working as a Software Engineer in StashAway impacting users across multiple regions including Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand and UAE.